I enjoy writing flash fiction romance, like the five-minute stories I’ve written for Woman’s World magazine. For you movie lovers out there, here’s a tiny romance about Kasey, a divorced woman who goes to watch an action movie on her birthday… and ends up finding romance with the fellow movie buff seated next to her.

Kasey wasn’t about to spend her first birthday after the divorce alone. So she bought a ticket at the theater to see the latest action movie. Despite the many flaws her ex claimed she had—she laughed too loud, her taste in music was wrong—moping wasn’t one of them.
Unfortunately, the theater was crowded—crowded with couples. The two seated to her right were even making gooey eyes at each other. She tried to ignore them as she nibbled on some buttery popcorn and waited for the film to start. At least she hadn’t chosen a romance. Sometimes you were in the mood for an action movie, and nothing else would do.
A few minutes before the trailers began, a man squeezed past to sit on her left. He was alone, but he was so good-looking, she figured a wife or girlfriend would show up any minute. He had a strong build and brown eyes the same shade as the overpriced candy bar she’d bought at the concession stand.
“It’s pretty crowded here, huh?”
Kasey was surprised to see the attractive man was speaking to her. “Y-yes, it is.”
He relaxed in his seat and looked around. Then he leaned closer to her. “Is it just me, or are there a lot of couples here?”
Kasey’s breath caught as she detected his subtle, spicy cologne mixed with what smelled like chocolate-covered raisins. She felt light-headed a moment—and also confused. She nodded at the empty seat on his other side. “Oh, I just assumed that you…”
“That I came here with somebody?” The man leaned back and grinned. “Nope. My ex hated action movies. So I’ve been watching all of them to make up for lost time.”
“Mine too,” Kasey said. “Well, he never liked to see them at the theater. But it’s the best way to watch.”
The man’s grin widened. “I completely agree. Sometimes I just get in the mood for an action movie, and I can’t watch anything else.”
Kasey’s eyes grew large. It was like he’d plucked the thoughts from her head. A flutter of possibilities tickled her insides. “I know just what you mean.”
The man reached his hand out. “I’m Sam, by the way.”
“Kasey.” She shook his hand, enjoying the feel of his smooth, warm skin against hers. “It’s great to meet you.”
The lights dimmed, signaling the trailers would begin. As a hush fell over the audience, Kasey was disappointed; she wanted to keep talking to Sam. But she didn’t want to disturb the other moviegoers, so she focused on the big screen as flashing images and music filled the theater.
The second trailer was for a comedy, and Kasey laughed at a funny line—then clapped a hand over her mouth, self-conscious about the loudness. But Sam leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You have the best laugh.”
Their eyes met, and Kasey smiled, mouthing thank you. She was glad the theater was dim enough that Sam couldn’t see her blushing.
The movie began, and they both became absorbed in the plot. Twice Kasey glanced at Sam, and he looked back at her and smiled. Another time she felt tingles and caught him staring at her. Was it her imagination, or was this particular action flick more exciting and thrilling than any she’d seen before? She couldn’t wait to see what happened next—both with the movie and the man sitting next to her. It wasn’t even a romance, and yet Kasey couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this romantic on her birthday.
But as the movie ended and the credits started rolling, Kasey grew awkward. She could have sworn there was attraction between her and Sam throughout the show, but what if it was all in her imagination? She cast a glance in his direction, but his eyes were fixed on the screen, his expression unreadable. Even if there was attraction, wouldn’t they just go their separate ways now?
People in the theater started standing up, stretching, gathering their purses or empty popcorn bags and heading towards the exit.
Panic stirred in Kasey’s gut. Should she just get up and leave now? She probably should.
She stood.
A hand touched her arm. She looked down to see it was Sam, his face an appealing mix of brave and vulnerable.
“I was thinking,” he said. “There’s another action movie starting in an hour. What do you say we make this a double-header?”
Her lips parted in surprise. Then she laughed. “Sure.”
He laughed too, his expression relaxing. “You know, I almost didn’t buy a ticket today. But I’m so glad I did. Was it just me, or was that the best movie ever?”
Kasey smiled. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”
Enjoy this short romance? Check out my other stories here!
loved how he said she had the best laugh
Yes, that’s a fun part. 🙂