1. “This has made me focus my revising not on trying to reach some perfect ideal, but identifying, capturing, and increasing what’s working, what’s enjoyable or moving.”

    What a great way to stay focused on the positives as one rides the roller coaster that is revising!

  2. Thanks for the recommendation on the show, I’ll check it out. My hubby and I have also been binge watching shows this summer… just finished Weeds, which I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. You’re right. Writing is never about perfection. Writing is about story-telling. About touching on something that is universal…. that embodies the human experience. You’d think that would be easy right, since we’re all human? Nope. Hard as hell. 🙂

    • GGAndrew

      Thanks for commenting, Shannon! I haven’t watched Weeds yet but my husband really dug it. We do watch Orange is the New Black, which has the same creator as Weeds, and love it.

  3. I hadn’t heard of Orphan Black, but it sounds like my kind of story! One of my favorite imperfect books is Twilight! Yep, I LOVED the series. Didn’t read them for a long time because I had heard how terrible the writing was, but the story is compelling, and when engrossed in the story, I don’t focus on imperfect writing!

    • GGAndrew

      I loved the first book of Twilight. I got it before all the hype, and still think it’s one of the most romantic books I’ve read. I guess we’re in good company. 🙂

  4. Gotta watch Orphan Black! I love this idea of appreciating what is good and enjoyable about a work, even while recognizing it’s not perfect. Excess Baggage is always the first thing I think of for imperfect works that I love. I think the world universally panned it, but it’s probably in my top 10 favorite movies. 🙂

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