Next week marks the one-year anniversary of the Writers Who Read interview series!
Since I’m taking a break from the series for July, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the writers who’ve participated in the series thus far, as well as others who’ve read and supported it. The series has been very rewarding for me. I’ve had the chance to connect with other authors, support them, and peek in their bookshelves–even though I’m now in serious danger of being crushed by my ever-larger To Be Read pile.
I’ve had 43 writers complete the interview: a dozen, if not more, nonfiction writers, literary fiction authors, and poets, and a handful of YA, mystery and suspense, and science fiction and fantasy authors. Plus many, many writers wearing multiple hats. There were only a few screenwriters and comedians, and despite my being a romance writer, very few fellow romance authors! However, the lineup in the fall and winter leans more heavily toward genre fiction, particularly romance and fantasy, so these numbers will likely even out, which warms my genre-loving heart.
The writers who’ve interviewed have listed a plethora of authors as favorites or influential, but a handful have shown up multiple times: Agatha Christie, Barbara Kingsolver, C.S. Lewis, Hilary Mantel, Jane Austen, Rainbow Rowell, Stephen King, and Toni Morrison. A Wrinkle in Time and Charlotte’s Web were two books that have been listed as beloved multiple times.
Watch this space once August rolls around, because I’ve got writers lined up until early 2016, a slightly-tweaked new interview, and fun ways to share the series. In the meantime, happy reading!