1. Great post! I like to see characters grow more confident and understand themselves better. As for genre, mysteries mostly but anything with some suspense. I’m drawn to the puzzles that have to be solved.

  2. Really liked this post, C. G. (Maybe b/c I’m drawn to posts of this type? ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    Hmm: I love a longer, well-developed romance, one with a heavy emotional component. (Eloisa James, Virginia Kantra–they tend to grab and hold my attention well.)

    I enjoy tasteful love scenes, but they can get dragged out sometimes. And we don’t need THAT many in any book, lol.

    Character growth and change is important regardless of genre–and not every character has to be brooding or angry to catch my attention.

    I like suspense, time-travel, historical, sci-fi–basically any good story that catches my attention and makes me want to read more. Anything (well-written) set against an Amish backdrop works too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • GGAndrew

      Hi, Joanna. I’ve been meaning to read Eloisa James–have heard good things! Time travel is so fascinating…I’m drawn to anything that fits into a fish-out-of-water theme, which works for that and a lot of science fiction and fantasy too.

  3. I like a touch of romance in any story, but I’m not a fan of straight romance because I like some outside conflict to be happening as well. In other words, I want to see love conquer all in dire circumstances because I find it more exciting. I love mysteries where I get to try to figure it out along with the main character and see if I can guess the ending because I like puzzles. And I’m a sucker for fantasy elements because I like to imagine living in those other places.

    • GGAndrew

      Hi, Marcy. I like fantasy for that reason, too. I see what you mean about liking romance in a (suspense?) setting. Adds more adrenaline to the mix ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for posting!

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